5th chakra meditation Fifth Chakra Meditation A basic meditation to help heal and balance the energy in the fifth or throat Chakra – also known as Vishuddha Chakra. Throat Chakra clearing, new beginnings, and a correction:
tarot demonstration for 5th chakra Fifth Chakra Description & Tarot Demonstration, Pt. 2 Dis-ease and self-healing recommendations for the fifth or Throat Chakra, also known as the Vishuddha Chakra, with part 2 of a special tarot card demonstration.
5th chakra Fifth Chakra Description & Tarot Demonstration, Pt. 1 Dis-ease and self-healing recommendations for the fifth or Throat Chakra, also known as the Vishuddha Chakra, with a special tarot card demonstration.
Unsung Lilly Meet Sera Golding-Young and Unsung Lilly Recently got to know an inspiring artist and change maker: Sera Golding-Young of Unsung Lilly.
#MeToo Group Healing Clinic The #MeToo movement / campaign has brought to the surface much suffering and trauma. We see it as an opportunity for healing
crystals Mystic Journey Opening Attended the opening of the new Mystic Journey Crystal Gallery [https://www.mysticjourneycrystals.com]on Lincoln Blvd. in Venice, California the other night. This is a sister location to the beloved Mystic Journey Bookstore [https://www.mysticjourneybookstore.com] on Abbot Kinney Blvd. These huge rocks are amazing! I could really
intuition Three Messages (Fun Technique for Developing Intuition) One way to develop intuition and receive valuable information is to ask your Higher Self or guardian angel to present you with three messages while you go for a walk. These were my birthday messages and how I interpreted them.
4th chakra Fourth Chakra Meditation A basic meditation to help heal and balance the energy in the fourth or Heart Chakra – also known as Anahata Chakra.
Anahata Chakra Fourth Chakra Description Dis-ease and self-healing recommendations for the fourth or heart chakra also known as the Anahata Chakra.
forgiveness Heart Chakra: The Importance of Forgiveness The heart chakra is one of the most transformative areas of the body and soul. Transformative because once we have the heart to look inside of ourselves and gain insight and acceptance, we show a life-changing potential for healing.
heart Help for the Garbage Heart It is necessary for us to examine, even if only periodically, the thoughts and feelings going on in our hearts. Yes, I said "thoughts" when referring to the heart, because I believe the core of the subconscious dwells there.
3rd chakra Third Chakra Visualization Visualization to help energize and balance the energy in the solar plexus area of our bodies – the third or Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as Manipura Chakra.
3rd chakra Third Chakra Description Dis-ease and self-healing recommendations for the third or solar plexus chakra also known as the Manipura Chakra.
2nd chakra Second Chakra Visualization Visualization for the second chakra or sacral chakra, also known as the Svadhisthana Chakra, to assist in relieving dis-ease and pain.
2nd chaka Second Chakra Basic Description Disease and self-healing recommendations for the second or Sacral Chakra, also known as the Svadhisthana Chakra.
1st chakra Basic First Chakra Visualization A quick exercise to open us to help heal our emotions by engaging the first chakra or Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara Chakra.
1st chakra First Chakra Description Dis-ease and self-healing recommendations for the first or Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara Chakra.
Basic Grounding Techniques Basic Grounding Techniques Pt. 2 Basic grounding techniques revisited, along with a brief root chakra exercise.
San Bernardino tragedy We Are All Responsible San Bernardino was the latest tragedy mirroring the fact that we are all responsible for the negativity and pathological behavior being manifested within this realm.
Basic Grounding Techniques Basic Grounding Techniques Getting further into understanding and practicing grounding.
Bruce Lipton Evolutionary Leaders & Cultural Creatives Evolutionary Leaders Saw the Evolutionary Leaders [http://www.evolutionaryleaders.net] event on 8.31.10 live streaming on the web. There were some technical difficulties, especially with the sound, but I didn’t allow the buzzing to deter me. (You can listen to A Worldwide Meditation For Oneness [http://www.
Dr. Jennifer Howard Genuine Eyes “If we can’t see things as they genuinely are, it’s hard to create what we’d really like.” – Dr. Jennifer Howard Seeing things as they are can sometimes be challenging for even the most grounded. Right now I am challenged by bridging the gap between thinking positive/holding
cognitive dissonance The River Denial: Those Little White Lies Some see denial as a saviour. Some say denial is what helped our ancestors survive during harrowing trials and tribulations. What is denial actually? Webster’s defines it as: 1: refusal to satisfy a request or desire 2a (1): refusal to admit the truth or reality (as of a statement
Bella Gaia Trans-Cultural Creation and Bella Gaia by Kenji Williams Panel on Trans-Cultural Creation: The Global Landscape of Arts and Media I attended the State of the Arts Symposium at the L.A. Center last Saturday. Actually, I didn’t show up til the last three hours of the event. Wish I had arrived earlier because the one panel discussion