2nd chakra Awaken Your Creative Flow: Emotional Balance & the Sacral Chakra If you’ve ever felt creatively blocked or overwhelmed by emotions, maybe it is time for you to explore the vibrant energy of the Sacral Chakra and its powerful connection to emotional balance.
Consistency Series Pt. 2 with Jolé Gabrielle Leaving comfort zones requires responsibility and accountability. Join me as I continue to overcome my inconsistency and apathy in real time while building a skillset to release and replace strong negative emotions with transformative loving ones through meditation and creative visualization.
Overcome inconsistency Consistency Series Pt. 1 with Jolé Gabrielle Leaving comfort zones requires responsibility and accountability. Join me as I overcome my inconsistency and apathy in real time while building a skillset to release and replace strong negative emotions with transformative loving ones through meditation and creative visualization.
1st chakra meditation Meditation for Earth Day Celebrate our beautiful Mother by grounding and tapping into her positive nurturing energy.
Love Relationships Love is in the Air Self-love guided meditations, healthy boundaries owners' manual,
forgiveness Start the New Year with a Clean Slate As we end the year, it is a good time to forgive the past to be able to go into the new year fully present.
self-love Guided Meditation: Remove Blocks to Self-Love Self-love enables us to put our best Self out there into the world, which in turn helps us communicate our authentic truth, fearlessly.
3rd Eye Chakra Third Eye Chakra Meditation This is a short guided meditation by Jolé for the Third Eye Chakra providing the energy for to experience clear and concise thought, spiritual reflection and inner contemplation.
1st chakra Overcome "The Worry Monster" Let go of the past, along with self-sabotaging limiting beliefs, by going within and tapping into the all knowing wisdom of our “Higher-Self.”
guided meditation Guided Meditation for Beginners A guided meditation to remove negative behavior patterns
Basic Grounding Techniques Meditation: Grounding & Running Energy Meditation and beginning clairvoyant skills training for grounding and running energy.
cult recovery My Time in a Cult Cults seek to create and imprint a non-responsible victim mentality into their members.
Intuitive Medicine Summit Practice Being Your Own Medical Intuitive Decode your body’s signals to uncover new avenues of healing at The Shift Network's Intuitive Medical Summit Guest Speaker Jolé (Gabrielle) Morton "Understanding Your Soul Architecture"
4th chakra Self-Love Heart Meditation Happy Womens' History Month💃🏾💕 Open your heart to more self-love and acceptance.
Inflammation & Earthing Inflammation can cause a lack of mobility and flexibility, locking up the joints and affecting coordination. It can also spread throughout the body's internal organs, causing cancer.
tarot cards Wealth & Success Tarot Reading Enjoy this pick-a-card tarot reading for wealth and success.
Alignment Following Instructions, Part 2 How to get your body, mind and spirit in alignment when having to follow directions. Time saving energy tools to effectively receive instruction.
take action Following Instructions, Part 1 Sometimes, following instructions could mean the difference between life and death - especially now.
Full Moon Meditation Full Moon Meditation Friday, July 23, 8-9:30pm Pacific Led by Jolé Morton [https://www.soulconnect.info/who-we-are/#Jole]
shame Letting Go of Shame, Part 2 - Happy Juneteenth Energetically, shame has a glue-like texture and looks like slime. This energy creates negative density around the third chakra; and has tentacles that go throughout the body. It worms its way around the other energy centers...
shame Letting Go of Shame Shame is a major factor in getting stuck. Here I offer clarity on a few of the ways to let go of shame and get moving.
Ragen Chastain Troll Busting Online trolling, from an energetic perspective, mirrors hate. The hate and disdain we subconsciously feel for ourselves reflects back to us in digital form.
parents Stress-Relief Meditation for Parents To Create Calm A brief grounding meditation for parents to quickly relieve their own stress and facilitate calm in their home environment.
tarot cards Debunking the Negativity Attributed to Tarot Cards Connecting with and expanding our perspective of the Tarot with an exploration of different decks.
Crown Chakra Seventh Chakra Meditation Meditation for the Seventh or Crown Chakra, also known as the Sahasrara Chakra.